Sometimes translations are not just useful business aids but important tools for making sure that critical operations are carried out successfully and accurately. Such is the case with pharmaceutical and medical translations. In such cases, it is essential that the translator chosen is an expert in the field in which he will be translating. An error in translation for such topics could be life-threatening.

Adelphi Translations has been providing such medical and pharmaceutical translations for years – from manuals for the operation of life-saving equipment to the recommendations for drug use for doctors and medical professionals. We have a pool of tried and tested medical translators specialising in many different fields of medicine.

Project about Evaporative Dry Eye Treatment

The eye problem Evaporative Dry Eye occurs when the water in tears evaporates at a faster rate than normal, due to an insufficient oil layer on the surface of the tear film.

A company has developed some new and effective treatments for the condition and had produced an information website about the treatments.

medical materials translation and typesetting

Medical Materials Translation and Typesetting

medical website translation

Medical Website Translation

The translated website was produced for the American client’s advertising agency in close co-operation with their marketing department.

The Project included:
Translation and typesetting of packaging and brochures and the conversion of the website.

Target Languages: French, German and Dutch.

Clinical Trials for a New Wound Dressing

The original trials of the new wound dressing were carried out in France by a division of the client. The document was created in MS Word and had to be translated into English for the UK offices. Word is not a particularly good application for typesetting or layout but we were able to retain the look of the original thanks to our knowledge of all versions of MS Word.

French into English translation of medical materials

French into English translation of Medical Materials


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